Christian Education is one aspect of faith formation which is a lifelong process. We provide opportunities for all ages during the academic year and selected Sundays during summer.

Christian Education Hour for Children and Youth is from 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. each Sunday morning during the academic year (with few exceptions). These classes explore Bible stories, teach aspects of our worship, and for the youth, include opportunities to discuss faith and contemporary life. Classes are offered occasionally in the summer.

…and for Adults, from 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.… One or two classes for adults are also on the schedule each Sunday during the academic year and those classes include Bible studies, discussions of current issues, studies in theology and church history, and classes that involve issues of family life. Classes are offered occasionally in the summer.


Our nursery is available for our youngest worshippers. It is not currently staffed and parents are welcome to use the space as needed during the education hour, the 10:00 am worship service, and during special events.


Children will learn the answers to the questions “Who are you?” and “Who loves you?” through stories from the Old and New Testaments.


Children study Bible Stories and discuss different ways to praise God. Their studies are enhanced with role playing, drama and crafts.

A youth mission trip to benefit Habitat for Humanity in the Michigan upper peninsula.


Sunday School is a time to think more deeply about what they heard in worship and start to apply it to their own lives. Coordinating with the Youth Group and Adult Education program, they will also discuss mission work, particularly in connection to the CROP Walk in October.


The high school students meet weekly to discuss current events from a Christian perspective often using online resources.  Students have the chance to talk about how their faith shapes their life outside of church.

Souper Bowl of Caring – on Super Bowl Sunday, the youth lead a soup lunch fundraiser for food banks.


Middle school and high school youths join together, dividing activities evenly between mission, education and fun. Some favorite fall activities include a lock-in, visiting a local corn maze, serving a meal at Advent House and taking leadership roles in the Christmas Eve pageant.  In the winter, youth prepare soup and serve the Souper Supper of Caring to raise money for the local food banks. Spring’s focus is on preparing for Youth Sunday.  The season ends usually ends with a picnic.

The youth participate in various ways during the family worship service.


Growing as a disciple is a lifelong journey.  Adult study and fellowship groups meet on Sunday mornings, and throughout the week. Recent education offerings are shared on the Events blog of the web site, and reminders are e-mailed in the weekly Friday announcements.

Our Church Library was refreshed in 2023, and provides resources for Members to check-out themselves


Our Church Library provides a wealth of resources helping us to

  • Connect to Issues of the Day, with a range of topics on racial justice, gun violence, and LGBTQIA+
  • Deepen Our Faith, through a variety of Bible versions, biographies, memoirs and scholarly commentaries
  • Connect with God, our families and Church friends, through devotionals, prayer books, and scrapbooks of the Church’s past

Watch this short video for more details