SSCC Green Energy Campaign

The PCO Green Team participates with the local Interfaith Power & Light-Capital Area organization which includes neighbors such as the Haslett Community Church, Islamic Center, University Lutheran, First Presbyterian Church of Lansing among others. The Capital Area group worked to identify local organizations in the area that we could help support. A decision was made to initiate a Green Energy fundraising campaign to support the Southside Community Coalition (SSCC) by installing solar panels that would completely eliminate their monthly electric bills.

For a solar panel configuration that will completely address the electrical requirements of the SSCC a campaign goal of $35,000 has been established. Commitments have been received that cover over half of the overall goal. The PCO Mission Committee has pledged $500 and we hope to generate enough contributions from the PCO congregation of around $1,500-2,000 to help achieve the overall goal. Please consider a contribution of any side to support this very worthy local organization. Checks can be sent to Doug Paterson who will forward the total amount to SSCC. We would like to send the total amount by early October if possible.

Read the Project Overview
Read the Project Overview

Read the Project Brochure
Read the Project Brochure

The mission statement of the Interfaith Power & Light organization is to “inspire and mobilize people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change”. The Green Energy project makes a strong, positive environmental statement but is actually a means to an end. In this case the SSCC will have $5,000 available annually over the next 25 years or so to support their many programs by eliminating their electric bill.

The Southside Community Center was formed in 2002 by a group of local neighbors and activists and is located near the intersection of West Holmes Road and Pleasant Grove in Lansing. They have provided programs to support children and teens, seniors as well as families. Some of the programs offered include:
• After school tutoring
• Ten week summer program for children
• Teen life skill building program
• Food bank
• A senior lunch, bingo, and evening activity program
• Health care enrollment and outreach services
• A computer lab accessible to neighbors as well as our children, youth and seniors
• An urban 4-H program and operate a community garden and hoop house where children and youth learn about nutrition and help grow fruits and vegetables that are distributed to families
• Environmental programs including a walking trail, pollinator garden, planting of apple trees

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