Once again, CROP Walkers from PCO have been recognized by the national office of Church World Service. In 2021, the PCO CROP Walk team raised $11,500.25 to fight hunger. This…
Michael and Rachel Ludwig are leaving international mission service. After much prayer and discernment, they feel called to return to parish ministry. Michael has accepted a call to pastoral ministry…

Please join us at a virtual fundraiser on Sunday, November 21 at 3:00 p.m. with special guest State Representative Julie Brixie. At this event, you will have an opportunity to…
Ten PCO members joined Communities in Schools Michigan (CISM) on Monday, September 13 to fill 525 bags with school supplies for kids in our community.
Lace up your shoes! It is CROP Walk season. Again this year, you can walk with some friends or walk alone. You decide the distance you want to travel. Walk…
PCO youth and adults are invited to visit Cass Community Services in Detroit to help organize the Tool Library. This mission trip is scheduled for Saturday, October 9. We will…
The Father’s Day Tool Drive was a great success. The PCO Mission Committee would like to thank everyone who donated tools or funds to stock the Tool Library for CASS…
Members of the Mission Committee gathered at PCO on March 17th to pack 50 PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kits for families served by Communities in Schools (CIS) in Waverly and…
Dear Okemos Presbyterian Church, As we prepare to go back to Niger we have found ourselves explaining our situation to a lot of people. Frequently they are amazed at how…
Between now and December 31, all gifts up to a total of $10,000.00 to the Haiti Nursing Foundation will be matched by a trusted partner. PCO has supported The Haiti…